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The Keller Theatre: Auditions for “Fingers Crossed”

März 5 @ 19:00

The Keller Theatre invites you to Auditions for “Fingers Crossed” by Colette Cullen


Tue 5 March 2024
Thu 7 March 2024

at 7 pm

Where: Kleine Bühne, Bleichstraße 28, 35390 Gießen

Please contact us:  info@keller-theatre.de

We need …
On stage:
3 women (playing age 20 – 40)
1 man (playing age 20 – 40)

assistand director / production assistant
stage and props manager

Tuesday and Thursday evenings and some Saturday mornings

Everybody is welcome, no experience or preparation needed.

More info see www.keller-theatre.de

This show is part of the Festival of Irish Theatre
The Festival of Irish Theatre is part of Zeitgeist Irland 24, an initiative of Culture Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland in Germany. It is also promoted by Kulturamt Gießen.

Performance dates:
17, 18, 31 May & 14, 15 June 2024

Martin P. Koob

About the play

Two very different couples with two very different fertility journeys meet in the waiting room of an IVF clinic. A chance meeting has life-changing consequences.

Successful professional couple Sara and Adam have everything except a baby. During their ten-year marriage they’ve had four failed IUI’s and five failed IVF’s. But they also have history beyond their marriage.

Jessica and Jess, married four years, each wanted a baby, but when it’s Jess’s turn things don’t work out quite as planned.

When those two couples have a chance encounter in the waiting room of a fertility clinic, a few pressing issues will be discussed, like “Do you check the weather forecast before proposing?”, “Do children need to know the business their parents are running?”, and “Who does the proposing in a same sex relationship?”


März 5
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the Keller Theatre
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Kleine Bühne, Bleichstraße 28, 35390 Gießen
Kleine Bühne, Bleichstraße 28
Gießen, Hessen 35390 Deutschland
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